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Two stage Pedestal box. When players place all the gold bricks in the correct spots on top, as they are marked with signs on the bottom and signs on the box, then the first stage lifts up through an actuator inside and a key pad is revealed. With you put in the correct code to the keypad then the second stage lifts up a reveals the code.

Comes with 4 bricks that have sensors in it (or 4 statues or 4 card swipes). Anything special/other is add $200

Heist box is made out of Bultic Birch

Comes with wiring to extend to put your controls in the gamemaster area or adjacent room. You just push the buttons to make each stage come down.

Comes with operations manual. 

All you need to do is install when received. 


Size - 16" wide x 35" high. The middle portion is 9" x 15" and the final lift is 8" x 8"


Testing  -  All of our product goes through pretesting  in the fabrication shop before it is installed in the facilities. This product has been in the facility for 4.5 months and has seen more than 2250 people in an escape room environment. 

See video here

See other video here

Green W/gold brick 2 stage pedestal

  • With 48 hours of receiving item you must call to let us know there is a defect when received.

    Process is:

    1) Try and fix over phone with design team

    2) Ship new part if needed.

    3) Have returned and ship you a new product


    If you cancel before your custom product is shipped there is a cancelation/restocking fee that will apply depending on where we are at in production. 

  • Lockdown Design offers a free over the phone set up with one of our techs, once you receive the item. They will help walk you through proper set up and function of your new item. Ensure all is working properly! You can call and book an appointment with one of our tech after receiving your item. 

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